The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Malaysia Orders To Close The Gate Of The Police Station At 10 PM In The Aftermath Of An Attack

JAKARTA - The Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has instructed that the gates of all police stations in the country be closed after 10 pm. This action is a security measure following the attack on the Ulu Tiram police station

Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the order was issued to balance the needs of the community and the safety of the personnel on duty.

"We need to balance (security measures) because the police station is where people submit reports but at the same time, they can also be targeted, so we need to balance these two needs," he said during a question and answer session at the Malaysian People's Council, Tuesday, July 9, quoted from The Sun Daily.

"Regarding the incident in Ulu Tiram, there were two people who faced police officers (in the office) during the attack," he continued.

The Ulu Tiram Police Station on the outskirts of the city in Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia was attacked by an unknown person (OTK) wearing a mask on May 17. The OTK is known to be a 21-year-old man armed with a machete killing two policemen.

In addition to killing police named Ahmad Azza Fahmi Azhar, 22, and Muhamad Syafiq Ahmad Said, 24, the OTK who eventually died injured Corporal Mohd Hasif Roslan.

For this incident, the Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs promised new rules to tighten standard operating procedures at all district police headquarters, police stations and major police stations.

This includes the frequency of patrols in the police station area and the need to study the current condition of police station facilities, such as lighting and fences, for repairs.