7 Benefits Of Tea Besides For Drinking, Do You Know?

JAKARTA - This brewed drink originates from China. Until now it is known to the world as tea. There are various variants of tea, from black tea, green tea, and oolong tea. So, what's so interesting about this aromatic and astringent drink?

Green tea, oolong tea, and black tea come from the same plant. The name of the plant is Camellia Sinensis. The shape of the plant is in the form of a small shrub. The youngest leaves or leaf tips are processed into various variants of tea.

Camellia Sinensis can be divided into two types, the first is grown in China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. The other one grows in Sri Lanka, India, and Kenya and is called Camellia Sinensis Assamica.

After the tea leaves are picked, the length of the oxidation process determines the type of tea variant. In order to keep the color of the tea leaves green, they are processed by boiling at high temperatures to kill the enzymes, rolled, and heated again so that the water content is approximately 7%.

In contrast to the processing of other types of tea that also takes into account temperature and special treatments to produce a distinctive taste and aroma.

Many people mistakenly think of herbal teas as the same tea that comes from leaves. A popular herbal tea is called tisane. Made from various parts of plants, from lavender flowers, cinnamon tea, and camomile.

A tea expert, Mel Hattie, explained that each variant has a different level of caffeine. Green tea contains 12-50 mg of caffeine, while black tea 20 mg, white tea in one cup contains 15-39 mg of caffeine, and oolong tea about 12-49 mg.

Besides containing caffeine, the antioxidant content in tea is beneficial for the body. The ones with the highest levels of antioxidants are green tea and white tea. The benefits include maintaining the immune system, improving cardiovascular function, and keeping the body's energy stable.

Apart from being a drink, tea is also used for various purposes. Can be used from the rest of the tea leaves that have been brewed or used from the start of the first processing. The benefits of tea apart from drinking include the following:

  1.           Deodorize the refrigerator, the aroma in the refrigerator will be more neutral if you put two tea bags in it.
  2.           For a powerful glass cleaner
  3.      To soak your feet to make them more relaxed after a day of activities.
  4.      Teabags can repel mosquitoes and insects.
  5.           Used for natural dyes in certain types of fabrics
  6.           Reduces eye bags and panda eyes
  7.           Reduces dull skin due to sun exposure

Tea is not a trivial drink. Because the content of antioxidants and caffeine is able to maintain body energy, increase focus, and balance metabolism. In addition, the benefits are also useful for daily needs.