Candidates For Supreme Court Justice Setyanto Hermawan Concerned MA's Condition: I Was Moved To Join The Improvement

JAKARTA - The candidate for Supreme Court Justice Setyanto Hermawan admitted that he was concerned about the current condition at the Supreme Court (MA).

Setyanto made this statement in an open interview of candidates for Supreme Court justices and candidates for ad hoc human rights judges at the Supreme Court held by the Judicial Commission (KY) and monitored online in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 9.

At first, Professor of the Faculty of Law, Andalas University, Prof. Yuliandri, who was presented as one of the interviewers, asked Setyanto about his motivation to register as a candidate for Supreme Court justice.

Setyanto answered his motivation to register because he was concerned about the current condition of the judiciary.

According to him, integrity issues are an important part that must be improved in the Supreme Court.

"Looking at the situation and condition of the Supreme Court that we all feel, I am really concerned and therefore, I am moved to help improve. Of course what I can do is through integrity and professionalism through decisions that I will drop," he said.

Then, Deputy Chairperson of KY Siti Nurdjanah asked further about the concerns Setyanto expressed.

The man who was serving as a High Court Judge at the Makassar High Court also replied that he was concerned when a judge or officer was sentenced.

For this answer, Siti responded that there must be a concept of acts or behavior that all elements in the Supreme Court must pay attention to, ranging from Supreme Court justices, clerks, to employees.

Setyanto then replied that a simple lifestyle needs to be applied to every member of the Supreme Court to prevent hedonism. "This is precisely a matter of how to adopt a simple lifestyle, because we have to live enough. Judges must set a good example," he said.

In addition, he also emphasized the importance of transparency in the case flow in the Supreme Court.

"Transparency in the Supreme Court also needs to be a correction material in a sense, the community participates in supervising or parties who every justice seeker can also monitor the course of the case," he said.

KY is holding an open interview stage for 19 candidates for Supreme Court justices and three candidates for ad hoc human rights judges at the Supreme Court from Monday 8 July to Thursday 11 July.

KY chairman Amzulian Rifai explained that open interviews will explore several aspects, namely statesmanship, vision and mission, commitment, integrity, insight in legal and judicial knowledge, and competence in the field of prospective judges according to their respective rooms.

Interviews were conducted by leaders, KY members, and experts in their fields. In addition, this open interview also involves community participation by asking questions to candidates directly or virtually.