Police Confiscate 6 Illegal Miners In Bombana

KENDARI - The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) confiscated six excavator units suspected of being used by illegal miners in Wumbubangka Village, North Rarowatu District, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of Sub-Directorate IV of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Sultra Kompol Ronald Arron Maramis said the six heavy equipment units were found by the TIpidter Sub-Directorate Team which was conducting illegal mining patrols in Bombana Regency.

"We carried out the patrol together with the Bombana Police, on June 8, 2024 today," Ronald said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 8.

While on patrol, his party received information from the surrounding community regarding illegal gold mining activities carried out in forest areas.

"What is done is in a forest area without permission from the authorities," he said.

Ronald said that based on this information, his party then went to the location and found as many as six units of heavy equipment that were strongly suspected of being used to carry out mining.

"Currently our team is still conducting deepening and identification to make the incident clear," said Ronald.

Police are conducting an investigation into who owns and the person behind the six units of heavy equipment carrying out illegal mining in the unlicensed forest area.

"It is still being investigated whether corporate or individual actions are being investigated," he explained.