6 Causes Of Postural Hypotension, Low Blood Pressure That Occurs From Changing Positions Sitting To Standing

YOGYAKARTA Dizzy or mildly ill and perhaps fainting, can be caused by postural hypotension. Postural hypotension, also known as orthostatic hypotension, is a form of low blood pressure that occurs when standing or lying down. This postural hypotension, may be mild. But if it lasts a long time, it means that you have to consult a doctor because it may indicate a more serious problem. Causes of postural hypotension, usually due to dehydration or rest in a long bed. This condition is certainly easy to treat. In addition, postural hypotension is due to the following:

When the position changes, from sitting to standing, gravity causes blood to collect in the legs and abdomen. Therefore blood pressure drops and blood flows back to the heart reduced.

Special cells near the heart and neck arteries, usually feel this blood pressure drop. Launching Mayo Clinic, Monday, July 8, this will tell the heart to beat faster and pump more blood. Then flatten blood pressure. These cells narrow blood vessels and increase blood pressure.

Fever, vomiting, lack of drink or less fluid, severe diarrhea, and heavy exercise accompanied by a lot of sweat can cause dehydration. Dehydration can lower blood volume. Mild dehydration can cause symptoms of postural hypotension. Such as weakness, dizziness, and fatigue.

Some heart conditions that can cause low blood pressure include very low heart rate or bradicardia, heart valve problems, heart attack, and heart failure. This condition makes the body unable to quickly pump more blood while standing.

thyroid condition, adrenal insufficiency, and low blood sugar can cause postural hypotension. Likewise with diabetics, which can damage nerves and help send signals that control blood pressure.

Some neurological system disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, Lewy's body demensua, Murno autonomous failure, and amyloidosis can interfere with the body's ability to control blood pressure. This condition can also cause a person to experience postural hypotension symptoms.

Some people experience low blood pressure after eating, or called postprandial hypotension. This condition often occurs in elderly adults. It also causes symptoms of dizziness and headaches when changing positions from sitting or lying to standing.

In addition to identifying the causes above, after experiencing symptoms of dizziness or headaches when changing positions from sitting or lying down to standing. It is also important to recognize when to check with a doctor. Because orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension can cause complications, it is better to recognize and get medical recommendations from an early age to prevent deteriorating conditions.