Pangkalpinang SAR Team Evacuated 13 Crew Members Of KM LAN Who Drowned In Pangkalbalam

PANGKALPINANG - Pangkalpinang City Joint SAR Team, Bangka Belitung Islands Province evacuated 13 crew members (ABK) along with the captain of KM Lintas Armada Nusantara (LAN) who sank in the waters of Pangkalbalam Port."A total of 13 crew members and their captain were rescued and evacuated," said Head of the Pangkalpinang SAR Office I Made Oka Astawa in Pangkalpinang, Antara, Sunday, July 7.KM LAN sank in the flow area in the waters of Pangkalbalam Port on Sunday morning at 03.17 WIB. The unlucky ship carrying 13 crew members anchored in front of KM Sentosa 12."Receiving this information, we dispatched a rescue team to the ship's 'last known position' using RBB 01 Basarnas," he said.He stated that the joint SAR team consisting of Rescuer Kansar Pangkalpinang, ABK KN SAR KARNA, Pelindo, KSOP, Health Quarantine Center and ship agents immediately rushed to KM LAN which was tilted and half sank at Pangkalbalam Port."This ship was identified as transporting fertilizer cargo and could not be saved. But we managed to save all the crew members of the ship," he said.According to the crew, at the time of the incident the current was receding and caused the KM LAN which had anchored to be washed away. The captain of the ship who knew about it rushed to turn on the engine, but the condition of the current was fast causing the ship to not move until it hit the front of the bow of KM Sentosa 12, which was in front of it and overturned.The incident took place so quickly that they could not move the ship to avoid a collision. The ship immediately tilted quickly and the entire AB immediately evacuated to the hull of the ship.
"Nakhoda kapal langsung menghubungi unsur maritim KSOP Pangkalbalam dan menginfokan kejadian tersebut ke SAR Pangkalpinang untuk bantuan evakuasi," ujar Oka.