UKT Costs Rise, Megawati Proposes To Reduce Social Assistance Budget

PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri said that the social assistance budget (bansos) should be reduced due to the increase in the cost of single lecture money (UKT) for students in Indonesia."For me, sorry, because I was once president, if there is no money for school, I will reduce what is called social assistance. Can't? Yes," said Megawati in the Lenteng Agung area, South Jakarta, Antara, Friday, July 5.He explained that the current government's move aims to prepare progressive human resources. On the other hand, he admitted that he was surprised by the issue of UKT sticking out."It's just a matter of school being excited. What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter? Well, Iyo opo to yo, ma'mbok, have you paid ae, go to yo. Is it okay? Hah?" he said.He also questioned how the DPR RI carried out its duties. Megawati emphasized that the DPR RI should be able to prioritize the interests of the future of the nation's children."Because this is a student's need, it can't be done. I don't have school fees, I'm confused. Yes, that's all, it's just the term, who used to be egg or chicken, like that. Is it true or not?" said Megawati.He again stated that the cost for education for the nation's children should not be paid. According to him, this needs to be implemented and not just a political elite promise. "I'm so dizzy back and forth, UKT," he said.For information, the cost of higher education in Indonesia has increased significantly in recent years.This makes it difficult for many parents to pay for their children's education. The simultaneous increase in UKT has triggered a reduction in the rate of rough participation (APK) of universities.The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the low APK for Indonesian universities or the Gross Enrollment Ratio for the tertiary category (high education) was 31.45 percent as of 2023.Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy firmly supports the proposal to lend tuition fees to students by involving State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).In addition, Muhadjir also stated that he had no problem with using online loans (pinjol) as a form of other initiatives that could provide great benefits for students."Anyway, we must support all good initiatives to help the difficulties of students, including loans," said Muhadjir at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (2/7).He does not worry about using online loans that people use for tuition fees.For him, this is a legitimate effort, as long as the assistance is officially organized and can still be accounted for transparently.He also emphasized that the use of funds through online loans does not harm students, so this step can be accepted.
"As long as it is official and can be accounted for, transparent and certainly will not harm students, why not?" he said.