Getting To Know Screams In Metal Music, Types, And Training Tips

YOGYAKARTA Despite the sound of a lot, it may not be that everyone knows the screams in metal music. Scream is identified as a vocal technique that is done like people are screaming. In its history, scream has gone through a long journey.

In Indonesia, scream techniques are popular and are mostly done by Indonesian singers. So what exactly is the scream in music?

As is known, metal flows continue to develop. The genre has succeeded in producing various types of musical flows such as Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Death Metal, and many more. From these various metal streams, vocal techniques were also born that were widely used, namely scream or screaming.

This scream technique was initially not thought of as a vocal technique in singing. Even the scream is only thought of as something capable of damaging the vocalist's sound band. However, slowly this technique began to be accepted and even studied.

In its development, Windows is growing rapidly. There are even various types of screams in metal music, namely as follows.

This scream was done by making a loud sound like screaming. However, this technique was carried out with heavy breathing so that it could not be done carelessly.

Growl is interpreted as anger that is certainly different from screaming techniques. This type is usually known as a low scream because the sound produced is not as harsh as any other.

This technique is better known forUSting. How to do it is quite unique, namely by smoking sounds from the outside to the inner concavity. To do so, vocalists have to train the breath of thephagma.

Like grunt techniques, this type of scream is done more often like the voice of a pig. To do so, vocalists must also train the breathing of the diaphragm properly.

This technique is done by making a sound through the concavity. The sound that comes out will be different according to the vocalist's voice character so that the results are more unique.

This technique is considered more difficult because in producing sounds there is distortion in the throat. Someone who does this without practicing will feel itching. The resulting type of sound is loud and high.

Similar to the false type, it's just that there's no distortion of the voice. This type is played down like a falsetto as well as unique because it fits each person's vocal character.

Just like other vocal techniques, scream also needs to be coached properly. There are some tips for practicing 1000s as follows.

Knowing the limits on your ability to sing is important. Not everyone can do this technique so it is necessary to consider vocal health. But to do so, try to increase the amount of water.

Mastering technique and breathing control is especially diaphragm. This method is even important to study in various types of vocals including the scream.

item is a vocal technique that is part of how to express oneself. Emotions are the key so they need to be imagined when practicing scream.

In addition to getting to know the screams in metal music, visit to get more interesting information.