Google Overcomes Bug Brick In Pixel 6 Series Amid User Complaints

JAKARTA - Some Google Pixel 6 series users report their device experiencing a brick after making a factory reset. This problem appears to be related to the latest software updates and affects the Pixel 6, 6 Pro, and 6a models. Google responded by providing a temporary solution and updating their support page.

"Brick" is a term used in the world of technology to describe devices that can no longer function or boot, so it becomes no more useful than a piece of brick (brick). This condition usually occurs due to errors in the process of updating software, rooting, flashing firmware that went wrong, or made other changes to the operating system that resulted in the device being unable to run its operating system.

Some users reported that while using Google Pixel 6 had critical problems which caused their device to crash after trying to do a factory reset. Instead of successfully resetting, their device failed to reboot and display an error message about the missing system file.

In response, Google updated the support page with a temporary solution. The following is a statement from Google:

"Hi Pixel Community,

Kami baru-baru ini menerima laporan dari beberapa pengguna yang mengalami masalah saat melakukan factory reset pada Pixel 6, 6 Pro, dan 6a setelah mereka mengambil pembaruan sistem terbaru. Kami mengerti bahwa factory reset bukanlah sesuatu yang sering dilakukan oleh banyak pengguna, tetapi karena kami peduli dengan pengalaman Anda dan ingin memberi tahu Anda, kami ingin membagikan detail tambahan ini kepada Anda:

Untuk menghindari masalah ini, kami merekomendasikan meninggalkan perangkat Anda dalam keadaan menyala dan idle selama 15 menit setelah reboot setelah pembaruan sistem. Setelah waktu tersebut, Anda dapat melakukan factory reset pada perangkat Anda. Atau, Anda dapat melakukan factory reset sebelum mengambil pembaruan sistem terbaru.

Jika Anda sudah melakukan factory reset pada Pixel 6, 6 Pro, atau 6a dan mengalami masalah, tetaplah terhubung dengan thread ini untuk informasi dan pembaruan lebih lanjut. Tim telah mengidentifikasi penyebab utama masalah ini dan sedang bekerja untuk mengembangkan solusi terbaik.

Tim kami sedang aktif bekerja untuk memperbaiki masalah ini. Kami menghargai kesabaran dan dukungan Anda.

Terima kasih, Tim Dukungan Google Pixel"

"Hi Pixel Community,"

We recently received reports from some users who had problems doing factory reset on the Pixel 6, 6 Pro, and 6a after they took the latest system updates. We understand that factory reset is not something that many users often do, but because we care about your experience and want to let you know, we want to share these additional details with you:

To avoid this problem, we recommend leaving your device on and idle for 15 minutes after rebooting after the system update. After that time, you can factory reset on your device. Or, you can do a factory reset before taking the latest system update.

If you've done a factory reset on the Pixel 6, 6 Pro, or 6a and are having problems, stay connected to this thread for more information and updates. The team has identified the main cause of this problem and is working to develop the best solution.

Our team is actively working to fix this problem. We appreciate your patience and support.

Thank you, Google Pixel Support Team"

According to the statement, this problem is related to a new software update. Google advises users who have not done a factory reset to leave their device on and idle for 15 minutes after rebooting after the system update. Alternatively, users can do a factory reset before installing the latest update.

Unfortunately, this announcement does not provide a solution for users whose devices are already bricking. Google states that it has identified the main cause and is working on a solution, which will be updated in the same thread. However, for now, affected users will have to wait.

The origin of this problem remains a mystery, and does not universally affect all Pixel 6 users. In current testing, it is usually possible to make a factory reset on Pixel 6, which runs the latest Android 15 beta without any problems.

Google hasn't provided a timeline for fixes yet, and it's highly recommended to avoid factory resets on your Pixel 6 device until Google releases a definitive solution.