Sold To Men With Nostrils, Underage Girls In Cengkareng 6 Months Pregnant
JAKARTA A underage girl who was sold by her boyfriend to a number of mashers in the Cengkareng area apartment, has been 6 months pregnant. The victim with the initials C (17) was sold by his girlfriend, MR (18) and also his friend, MAH (20) through the MiChat application.
Cengkareng Police Chief Kompol Hasoloan Situmorang said the victim was forced to serve a masher by MAH (18), opening an open BO service to earn money in order to meet his daily needs.
"Our investigation results are correct that the victim was exploited. Of course there is coercion because the victim is a minor. The victim is currently less than 6 months pregnant," Hasoloan told reporters, Wednesday, July 3.
He said the victim and her boyfriend had lived in an apartment in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta. The victim left his house because he had problems with his family.
"Yes, our deepening is that there are problems with parents. The relationship is not good with parents," he said.
Currently, the victim is being placed in the Integrated Service Unit for the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (UPTD P3A) to restore the victim's psyche.
"Automatically there is trauma. That's why we provide assistance from related agencies who are indeed experts in handling things like this," he said.
The suspects have been detained. They were charged with Article 76 i jo 88 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection with a sentence of 10 years in prison.