Tangerang Class 1 Detention Center Officer Arrests Man Smuggling Methamphetamine Mode Throwing Goods

TANGERANG - A man with the initials DK was arrested by Class I Tangerang detention officers for a case of smuggling methamphetamine, Tuesday, July 2.

The head of the Tangerang Class I Detention Center, Khairul Bahri Siregar, said the perpetrator tried to smuggle the crystal methamphetamine by throwing the item through the back wall of the detention center.

"So the narcotics were put in a cigarette pack which was then wrapped again with green paper and given a stone as a weighter," said Khairul in his statement, Wednesday, July 3.

This case was revealed after the immigration authorities received information if there were two suspicious people. On that basis, his party made observations. As a result, it's true, one of the people threw something into the detention center.

"The two of them. We managed to secure one and the other managed to escape after throwing a package containing narcotics into the detention center," he said.

When opened, continued Khairul, the package thrown by DK contained four plastic clips of methamphetamine.

"For weighing approximately 4 grams, it is wrapped into four small plastic clips," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator is being handed over to the Tigaraksa Police for further action.