MPR Leader Visits PAN Chairman To Discuss Amendments To The 1945 Constitution, But Not Change The Rules Of The Presidential Election

JAKARTA - The MPR leadership visited the General Chairperson of PAN Zulkifli Hasan in the context of a national gathering at the PAN DPP office, Jakarta. During the visit, the MPR leadership led by Bambang Soesatyo asked for one of the views regarding the amendments to the 1945 Constitution.

"Today our arrival is not only met with the Head of PAN but also met with the 15th chairman of the MPR, I am 16 to get various views, various suggestions, which we plan to document in the documentation of wisdom that we will submit later to the upcoming MPR leadership as well as to the new government to come," said Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) at the PAN office, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

Nevertheless, Bamsoet said that the discussion with the Head of PAN did not discuss the change in the presidential election was returned to the MPR. "Earlier, it was conveyed in a discussion that was quite warm, indeed in today's situation we are both concerned that our democracy today turned out to be very expensive. That's what matters the attention is, but that doesn't mean we turn the presidential election back to the MPR, that's Pak Zul's view," he said.

Bamsoet also conveyed to Zulhas about the aspirations that developed in the community. First, related to the 1945 Constitution.

"The first view is those who think that our basic law today is quite good and there is no need for change. That is the first view or aspiration of the PAN faction group," he said.

Second, the need for GBHN. According to Bamsoet, Zulhas has the same view regarding the need for a sustainable long-term plan.

"This means that we need GBHN or the main things of the state for our nation in the future. So this second group is to want a limited change from the basic law by adding two articles and two verses to bring back the main points of the state's direction, this is the second aspiration," he explained.

Third, the pressure to make a comprehensive change towards perfection rather than the Constitution. The fourth is back to the Constitution as a result of the decree of the president in July 1959. Fifth, pressure or aspiration to return to the original Constitution on August 18, 1945.

"Well, from these issues, we conveyed to Mr. Zul, Mr. Zul is of the view that Indonesia needs the main direction of the state. Is that more or less Pak Zul?," said the Golkar Deputy.

MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo alias Bamsoet was present accompanied by Deputy Chairperson of the MPR PPP faction Amir Uskara, Deputy Chairperson of the MPR PDIP faction Ahmad Basarah, Deputy Chairperson of the MPR PKB faction Jazilul Fawaid, Deputy Chairperson of the MPR PAN faction Yandri Susanto, Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI Fadel Muhammad.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan was accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of PAN Viva Yoga, the Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno and the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PAN DPW, Eko Patrio.