Playing One Of The Games, Here Are 9 Tricks To Increase Concentration

JAKARTA - The ability to concentrate and focus without interference is an important function of mind that helps you in everything from completing tasks to learning new skills.

The ability to concentrate can vary from person to person. And how well you concentrate is often influenced by various things in your daily life. Such as quality sleep, emotional state, and how much disorder you experience.

If you often find it difficult to focus on detail or difficulty directing yourself to a goal. Studying new ways to increase concentration can make a difference.

Focus on sleep habits

Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on cognitive performance, including concentrating. Quoted from Psych Central, Wednesday, July 3, increasing concentration can start by ensuring you get the best sleep at night. This can be done through a beneficial sleep habit called'sleeping cleanliness'.

tips for sleep hygiene include:

Stay hydrated

When you don't consume enough fluids to support your body's optimal function. Gradually it will have an impact on physical health. In fact, according to a life perspective study in 2017, symptoms of mild dehydration usually appear cognitively first. If you feel you can't focus, rehydration can be a good first option for a quick recovery.

Take time for sports every day

Adults are advised to carry out moderate-intensity aerobic activities for 150 minutes each week, with muscle strengthening exercises for 2 days or more. Although this sounds excessive, especially in the midst of busy work and family schedules. Regular exercise can increase concentration and reduce the risk of a long-term cognitive decline as you get older.

Develop mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of awareness where you focus on the moment, allowing thoughts to pass without judging or reflecting.

Mindfulness trains the brain at a moment of current', which is a key component of concentration. In a 2018 study, researchers found participants involved in mindfulness able to make a transition to tasks that demand faster attention than those who are not involved in mindfulness.

Do meditation

Meditation can be based on awareness, but other forms of meditation can also help increase concentration. A 2019 study found that the common practice of short meditation every day was enough to increase attention and memory after 8 weeks.

Play the background music you like

Listening to music sounds annoying, but if the music you enjoy is loud enough to attract attention, it can actually help concentration.

A study from 2020 found that fun background music increased the ability of participants to concentrate on light tasks that require attention.

Kuyah gum

Need to increase concentration as soon as possible? Swallowing rubber candy can help. According to previous research in 2015, chewing gum can increase the level of vigilance. In the study, chewing gum during the day is associated with higher productivity in the workplace and less cognitive challenges.


Concentration is usually a focus of unbroken attention, but sometimes, rest can help return to new goals. When the brain rests from cognitive demands, the brain can often focus more efficiently when returning to work.

Playing the brain principle game

Want a way not to be too abstract to increase concentration? Take or download a game whose focus is on honing the brain. Games are a fun way to keep cognitive functions sharp and improve the skills you already have.