Puan Calls PDIP Considering Kaesang For Central Java Gubernatorial Election, Utut Adianto: If I'm Pak Andika

Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani said that her party is considering the youngest son of President Joko Widodo as well as PSI General Chair, Kaesang Pangarep to run in the 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election.

Wasekjen DPP PDIP Utut Adianto just considered the former TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa worthy of running for governor candidate (cagub) of Central Java.

"If people like me, for example, Pak Andika will be willing, Pak Andika will go to Central Java," said Utut, Tuesday, July 3.

Utut also commented on the LSI survey which said that Kaesang was the most popular in Central Java. According to him, popular does not necessarily have high electability.

"If the problem is famous, yes, but what must be checked is electability. Of course Mas Kaesang will be submitted by PSI or other parties that are close to PSI, of course, yes," he said.

The chairman of the PDIP faction in the DPR then mentioned a number of candidates that were considered by the PDIP for the Central Java Pilkada. Such as the Chairman of Bappilu PDIP Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, the Mayor of Semarang, Hendra Pribadi, and Andika Perkasa.

"What I know about Mas Pacul is that he told me many times, more than three times, he didn't want to run for the Pilkada. He said I was a knight, if I took it was not my way of life. Of course I respect my senior, he is my teacher and mentor in politics. He is my teacher and mentor in politics and I believe what was conveyed was not a pleasant," he said.

"Well, Mas Hendi, he is the one who becomes the one again when we choose not to be clashed. Now this is the job of journalists. Journalists are enlightening, but don't turn them into fire coal. So the task is to choose which one is the most likely to win," said Utut.

"So if Mas Kaesang said that Mbak Puan was considered, of course everything was considered. But it was decided who it would be through a meeting at the DPP," he added.

Nevertheless, Utut assessed that Andika Perkasa was the most suitable to lead Central Java. According to him, General AM Hendropriyono's son-in-law can provide a sense of security for the people of Central Java.

"Well, if people like me because over there (KIM, red) the Kapolda has advanced, of course, Sir, Mr. Luthfi. Now, if Mr. Andika wants to come forward, at least it gives a sense of security among cadres throughout Central Java," said Utut.

"But in a positive contest, you know, it's not a bang to the institution. Because it has entered the civilian realm, if it is already in the civil realm, this is contestation," he concluded.