Habits Depending On Government Budget, State University Demanded Creatively To Find Sources Of Campus Funding

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked the Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) to be creative in finding campus funding sources.

The former Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2016-2019 period said that creativity will no longer make PTN BH dependent on the allocation of education budgets from the government. "The university is encouraged, especially those with PTN BH to be independent, including independent in the source of financing so that the funding institutions are running. So indeed, in my opinion, our PTN is a tax dependent boy, already shopping, cannot make money. So there must be a change in character. Teach them to make money. Not to waste money, "Muhadjir said in the Public Hearing Meeting of the Working Committee (Panja) Education Financing Commission X of the DPR with a number of former ministers at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday 2 July, confiscated by Antara. According to Muhadjir, a number of PTN BHs that have been promised can prioritize capital from students. However, he continued, there needs to be a cross subsidy between new students and the longer ones. "The big name of PTN BH only has to prioritize the capital. And I said yesterday, raising that cost should not be as well as merta, so that it increases to new students later, and don't go up until later it's finished, so that the elderly have certainty. If it's a long time to finish, "explained it," he said that PTN BH status campuses can also seek funding sources at certain times, such as graduation. He suggested that it would be nice for the campus to have hotels so that it can be used as lodging for graduate student parents. Every time the graduation is 5 thousand, for example, even now. If one year it's five graduations, the campus has a hotel, it's complete. So pay for graduation all to stay at the campus hotel. That's during graduation, it's enough to close hotel operating costs. The rest is just looking for profit only. Believe with me,'

Muhadjir pun berpendapat orang tua mahasiswa tidak akan keberatan dan rela untuk membayar biaya yang tinggi untuk wisuda anaknya sehingga para pimpinan kampus dapat mencari keuntungan lain pada momen ini.“Wisuda itu tarik yang tinggi karena enggak ada orang akan protes walaupun mahal. Karena waktu saat gembira anaknya mau wisuda bayar berapa pun dikasih. Kalau perlu biar satu truk keluarganya akan datang enggak apa-apa,” tandasnya.