Pembuang Bayi Di Banjarmasin Ditangkap Usai Penemuan Noda Darah Di Rumah, Motifnya Malu Hamil Belum Nikah
JAKARTA - The Banjarmasin Police revealed the motive for a woman with the initials HN (21) to throw away a baby of her own blood after giving birth because she was embarrassed to get pregnant out of marriage.
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police, AKP Eru Alsepa, said that HN was suspected of throwing the baby, a resident of Jalan Sutoyo S, Telaga Biru Village, West Banjarmasin District.
"Currently, the perpetrator has been detained at the Banjarmasin Police and is undergoing medical treatment after giving birth at Bhayangkara Hospital," said Eru in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, July 2, which was confiscated by Antara.
The arrest of HN, said Eru, was carried out by a joint team from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Banjarmasin Police and the Banjarmasin Police Resta Tiger Team and the South Kalimantan Police Resmob.
"The arrest of the perpetrator was not long after the incident where the baby was found from a community report, and officers also found clear evidence of HN as a woman who dumped the baby," he said.
Initially, said Kasatreskrim, when members in the field conducted a crime scene investigation, officers saw one of the houses with a rear window.
The officer then became suspicious, then came to the house. When checking at HN's house, the police got blood stains near the toilet and pieces of the umbilical cord.
From finding evidence at the crime scene, the officers immediately checked the cellphones of the occupants of the house, then found photos that became clues related to HN who was pregnant.
The joint team immediately moved to HN, who was working in a restaurant, Jalan Simpang Telawang.
"Members immediately secured HN and interrogated him. From the results of the interim examination, it was finally admitted by the perpetrator that it was true that he had thrown away the baby which was his own blood and had just been born," he said.
In addition to securing the perpetrators, the police also obtained other evidence such as scissors to cut the baby's umbilical cord and clothes during childbirth.
Eru said that HN is currently a suspect and is entangled in Article 77 B in conjunction with 76 B of the Child Protection Law and/or Article 306 paragraph (1) sub 305 of the Criminal Code jo. Article 307 sub 308 of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 7 years.
The incident where the baby was found occurred on Sunday (30/6) at around 04.30 WITA. At that time residents around the crime scene heard the sound of a baby crying from behind a resident's house.
After checking by residents, a baby with a male gender was seen partially submerged in water in a naked position tilted to the right with a bleeding navel. The baby was then lifted and evacuated to the TPT Hospital, Dr. R. Soeharsono, West Banjarmasin.