PDNS 2 Data Will Be Released On Wednesday, Cyber Expert: No Date, Don't Be Easily Tricked

JAKARTA - Recently, the Brain Cipher ransomware group announced that it will provide the temporary data decryption key for the National Data Center (PDNS) 2 to the Indonesian government for free on Wednesday.

Cyber observer from Vaccine.com Alfons Tanujaya has also confirmed that the announcement shared on the official Brain Cipher website is true.

"Brain Cipher issued a statement on its website that we can access, and that's the official website, we've checked that's true," Alfons said in a statement on Tuesday, July 2.

However, Alfons warned the government and all parties involved not to be quickly lulled by the promise. Because according to him, there is no exact date when the key will be given.

Because, based on his observations, Brain Cipher only gives days, and does not disclose the date of the decryption key will be given. So, it is not certain that the waiver key will be given on Wednesday, July 3 tomorrow.

"Be careful, don't be easily fooled by fake promises. So he (Brain Cipher) said this Wednesday means this Wednesday, this Wednesday it's Javanese or it's real tomorrow, he doesn't give a date. Unless he says July, 3th 2024, then we can believe he will release tomorrow, "explained Alfons.

In addition, Alfons also saw that from the countdown on the Brain Cipher website, there was a tally of 3,105 days, which means it is not a countdown for Wednesday tomorrow.

"The countdown should be 12 hours or 14 hours on Wednesday, but he won't talk. Then in front of him there are 3,105 days, so if you share 3,105 days, 365 days, approximately 8.5 years," he said.

"Maybe Wednesday, 8.5 years later he will be released, if according to the counter. That's why we'll see if he's going to be released or not," continued Alfons.

Because according to him, if Brain Cipher had announced the exact date of the release of the data, then it would most likely be done. Because if not, Alfons added, they would be hostile to other ransomware groups.