Causes Of Menstruation Are Not Smooth And Not Regulated

YOGYAKARTA Menstruation is the monthly cycle in women in the form of uterine wall decay which is then released through the vagina with blood. Called the monthly cycle because it is normally experienced by women of productive age every 28 days with a period of 4 to 8 days of menstruation. However, the monthly cycle in each woman can not run smoothly. The cause of menstruation is not smooth, it is also very diverse.

A woman is said to have an irregular or irregular structuring cycle if under some conditions, namely as follows.

The non-current of the mens above could be caused by various factors, namely as follows.

Mens tidak lancar di waktu 2 tahun pertama wanita memasuki masa kecepatan adalah hal. Kondisi itu terjadi karena Hormonnya belum semenen sehingga berdampak pada perubahan jadwal berharap. Kondisi ini masuk dalam daftar penyebab belas menaruh pada remaja.

Menstruation is not regular, it can be triggered by a lifestyle. In fact, excessive exercise can have an impact on these irregularities. In addition, it can also be caused by obesity, stress, too often staying up late, to drastic weight loss.

Smoking habits also have an impact on hormones in the body so that they affect the irregularities of the mens. Again, cigarettes are also able to reduce the number of eggs, reduce fertility, accelerate menopause, and interfere with health.

Several contraceptives also have an impact on non-current mens such as IUD (spiral) and KB pills. The contrast of IUD will trigger more blood release than before. Meanwhile, KB pills are able to prevent egg protection from releasing eggs which then affect menstruation.

The characteristics of pregnant people are the cessation of the monthly menstrual cycle. Usually this condition is accompanied by other signs such as easy nausea, easy fatigue, and so on. To ensure pregnancy is recommended to do an ultrasound test.

Someone who experiences a decrease in egg protection will experience irregularities in menstruation. This case usually occurs in women who are getting old. However, not infrequently similar cases occur in young women.

Menstruation can be late while breastfeeding. During these conditions, the hormone prolacticine in breastfeeding mothers will rise for the smooth running of breast milk. This condition sometimes has an impact on mens delays. No need to worry because this is natural and does not harm the mother.

Menopause occurs as a result of women's aging. Ahead of the menopause, the monthly cycle will slowly disappear.

Deceleration of menstruation can also occur in women who have certain medical conditions. For example, due to cysts, cancer, hormonal disorders, and so on.

Those are some of the reasons why menstruation is not smooth. Visit to get other interesting information.