Getting Pregnant At 40, Is It Safe For Mother And The Fetus? Know The Facts

JAKARTA - Pregnancy can occur if it is still in the fertile period or the ovaries produce ova. The production of eggs or ovum still occurs until it stops at the menopause phase in women. In Indonesia, the average woman experiences menopause at the age of 46 to 54 years.

Before menopause, estrogen and progesterone are actively produced so that they are said to be fertile. However, is pregnancy at the age of 40 safe for the mother and the fetus? Know the complete facts below.

Chances of getting pregnant are small

In 2019, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that childbirth rates for women under 40 had decreased over the years. But the rate of giving birth in the early 40s has increased by 3 percent each year from 1982.

The risks that occur cannot be equated because the health condition of each woman is different. Geriatric pregnancy or pregnancy in women over 35 years need to be accompanied by a specialist.

On the other hand, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, female fertility begins to decline from the age of 32 years, and pregnancy at the age of 35 is called 'advanced maternal age'. A pregnancy at 37 needs special care and again at 44, the chances of having a pregnancy are close to zero.

Apart from natural pregnancy, Dr. Jane van Dis, MD., An obstetrician said that there are reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization that can help some couples who are past the 'fertile' ages.

In vitro fertilization based on the CDC report, at the age of 35 years of 36 percent to be successful. Meanwhile, for those aged between 38 and 40 years, the success was 22 percent. For those over 40 years, it only has a 6 percent success rate.

The risk of miscarriage is enormous

Nobody wants one bad thing to happen. But based on scientific observations and reports from obstetricians, women between the ages of 40 and 44 have a 33 percent chance of having a miscarriage.

Illustration of a pregnant woman (Pexels / Andrew Wilus)

Although estimates may vary, it is possible that these percentages are due to conditions other than fertility, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and gestational. Another fact, 100.000 women in America give birth at the age of 40 years, even celebrities like Halle Berry gave birth at the age of 46 years.

The risk of developing preeclampsia

Reporting from The New York Times, Wednesday, March 17, women aged 40 years are at higher risk of developing preeclampsia or high blood pressure and protein in the urine during pregnancy. Both of these risks are in harm to the mother and the fetus.

Pregnancy at the age of 40 years is very risky to the safety of the mother and the fetus. However, without reducing the chance of having a baby, anything that has been planned, including pregnancy, will be happier and more prosperous.