PDIP Secretary General Staff Camp Asks For LPSK Protection, Singgung Tumbal Poltik

The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) was asked to provide protection for the staff of the PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Kusnadi, regarding allegations of criminalization by KPK investigators. Because, there is a suspicion that it is only a political sacrifice.

"We want LPSK to accompany Kusnadi's brother, that's the first. Second, we see that Kusnadi's brother seems to be a political sacrifice through the hands of KPK investigators. We need to convey that Kusnadi's brother has nothing to do with Harun Masiku," said Kusnadi's attorney, Ronny Talapessy, to reporters, Saturday, June 29.

The allegation of political sacrifice was because Kusna was originally only carrying out her duties to accompany Hasto Kristiyanto when the KPK was summoned to provide information.

In fact, Kusnadi also did not know anything about Harun Masiku who was a fugitive from the KPK.

"However, things that violate the law are treated, framed, and forced to surrender personal property and books belonging to the PDIP Perjuangan," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the development of complaints against the KPK Council, Ronny said that he had not received any latest information.

However, Dewas was asked to act as soon as possible to deal with the alleged unprofessionalism of the KPK investigators.

"And also these friends make us odd because until now we have not received an update, from the KPK Council regarding our complaint. What we see is that there has been an unprofessionalism among KPK investigators. The first is trapping," he said.

"The second has changed the date of the official report on the receipt of evidence from April 23 to June 10. Here we have seen that there is clearly an unprofessionalism from KPK investigators. So we ask the KPK Council to act quickly and we are waiting for an answer from the KPK Council," continued Ronny.

Meanwhile, Kusnadi visited the LPSK office on June 28, 2024. He asked for protection on suspicion or the possibility of criminalization by KPK investigators.