CBL Indonesia Investment Contributes To The Renovation Of FEB UI Classrooms And Economic Discussion Towards Indonesia Gold 2045

JAKARTA - The company, which plays a role in the development of the electric vehicle battery industry in Indonesia, PT CBL Indonesia Investment (CBL), has contributed to the development of education in Indonesia through its contribution to the renovation project of four classrooms at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI) which was inaugurated directly by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Wednesday, June 19.

In his remarks, Coordinating Minister Luhut expressed his appreciation to all parties including CBL who contributed to the renovation of four classrooms at FEB UI.

"I congratulate you on launching 4 FEB UI class renovations which were initiated by FEB UI Alumni friends in the 2002 class, as part of the 20th anniversary of the 2002 class. Thank you to all those who helped, including from CBL. I hope the contribution of class renovations carried out can help encourage FEB UI to become the top economic faculty in the world, build Indonesian human resources that are not only smart, but also have character, "said Luhut, in his statement, quoted on Saturday, June 29.

Coordinating Minister Luhut said education is an important factor in the development of the nation. For us to be a developed country, universities as the spearhead of higher education and Indonesian research must be able to continue to improve, including in terms of infrastructure.

"The renovations carried out are aimed at making the existing classes more modern, adapted to the development of student needs for digital technology," he added.

Not only the inauguration, on the same day there was also an Economic Discussion with the theme "Exiting an Advanced Indonesia Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045" with the FEB UI Professors Board.

Indonesia has a big vision of becoming a high-income country or advanced before 2045. However, to achieve this target, economic growth must increase from around 5 percent at this time to around 6 percent. Therefore, this discussion is considered important so that the government can exchange ideas and get input from academics regarding development evaluation over the last 10 years and strategic steps that must be taken in the future in facing the various challenges that exist.

One of the follow-ups to encourage this vision is to measure the effectiveness of policies in Indonesia, which Luhut said would be very good if UI took part in this.

I want to convey to UI that UI must be useful for taking measurements. Like where is our current position? For example, the cost of education increased from 5 percent to 20 percent, what was the impact? So from there, we will know whether our policies are correct or not. I think we take advantage of that. There are so many things we can fix, such as downstream nickel, digitization, e-catalogue, "said Luhut.

On a separate occasion, the Director of CBL Indonesia Investment Tatang Hendra conveyed to the Dean of FEB UI and the management of the 2002 FEB Alumni, that UI as an educational institution that has good reputation and capability has produced many practitioners both in the bureaucracy and in industry in this Republic.

For PT CBL Indonesia Investment collaboration is a manifestation of the importance of cooperation between the world of education and industry players in building the economy and the world of Indonesian education. Hopefully, the participation of the company can contribute to the advancement of the world of education, especially at UI and generally in Indonesia.

It is known, PT CBL Indonesia Investment is a subsidiary of HKCBL which has completed a series of transactions related to the downstream operation of integrated nickel minerals with PT Antam Tbk as a follow-up to the plan to develop an electric vehicle (EV) battery ecosystem in Indonesia, on December 28, 2023.