River Water Debit Rises Again, Tanah Datar Residents Re-Employ

The heavy rains that occurred in parts of Tanah Datar Regency and around Mount Marapi on Friday, June 28 afternoon until the evening caused the river discharge of Lona stems to rise.

As a result, hundreds of residents of Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, who live around the river, fled again on Friday night because the river water flow increased.

Wali Nagari Rambatan, Tanah Datar, Irzon di Batusangkar, dilansir ANTARA, Sabtu, 29 Juni, mengatakan akibat hujan lebat dan tinggi debit air sungai membuat ratusan warga Jaho Jorong Pabalutan, Nagari (desa) Rambatan yang tinggal di sekitar bantaran sungai tersebut mengungsi mencari tempat yang lebih aman.

"A total of 138 of our residents fled to flee to safer places," he said.

He said that after the flash flood disaster last month, residents who lived on the banks of the river were increasingly responsive to similar incidents.

If they see river water, residents have started to rise and immediately evacuate to their altitude and they have even prepared huts for shelters.

"Alhamdulillah, our residents are increasingly responsive to their respective safety. If they see river water rising, they immediately evacuate to the height and place they have prepared," he said.

He said Jorong Pabalutan, Nagari Rambatan is one of the nagaris who were severely affected by the flash flood disaster that hit Tanah Datar on May 11, 2024, which traumatized residents in the area.

He also thanked the Regent of Tanah Datar who moved quickly and went directly to the evacuation site as soon as he heard the incident, some of his residents fled.

"Last night the regent directly observed the condition of the displaced residents," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Tanah Datar, Eka Putra, reminded residents, especially those on the banks of the river, to always be vigilant when the rainfall is high.

"If heavy rains occur for a long time and river water discharge increases, try to stay away from the riverbanks," he said.

He said the central, provincial and district governments of Tanah Datar have now taken a number of steps to anticipate that flood disasters do not occur again.