The Story Of Johnny Prokov: How To Save The World From The United States Nuclear War - Soviet Union

JAKARTA - The United States and the Soviet Union are known as sworn enemies. The feud between the two escalated as the Soviet Union made Cuba an ally. Cuba, which was in a missile crisis, received reinforcements from the Soviet Union in 1962.

The Iron Curtain country secretly places its ballistic missile in Cuba. The missile is believed to destroy the US. Something that triggers the nuclear war. Who would have thought that the incident was not carried out because of one person, too. Johnny Prokov's name.

The feud between the US and the Soviet Union is quite complex. However, that doesn't mean it can't be explained. Something striking between the two arch-enemy is a difference of ideology. The US is holding on to liberalism, while the Soviet Union adheres to the ideology of communism.

This difference makes the two of them contradict many things, from economy to politics. The relationship between the two is getting looser when entering World War II. The US and the Soviet Union are both known to the strong state.

This condition made the feud escalate. Both like competing to develop nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union did not waste the opportunity to make Fidel Castro and Cuba its allies.

Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev has given full support to Cuba, which has just finished making the revolution. The Soviet Union also sees the Cuban missile crisis as an opportunity to destroy America.

Khrushchev also secretly gave orders to send food, agriculture, and weapons. Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrives. Aid from the Soviet Union began arriving to Cuba via Mariel Port in September 1962.

The cargo ships from the Soviet Union are waiting to unload cargo. However, Cuban soldiers have special duties. They were asked to escort the Soviet Union soldiers and aid packages with a note: agricultural equipment.

The kuba army was also asked to escort him from night until dawn from the port to a village called Santa Cruz de los Pinos. Several soldiers were curious. If indeed the aid package that came, of course, the escort should not be carried out in the middle of the dark at night.

The suspicion grew stronger when Cuban soldiers were ordered to ensure that none of the villagers photographed reinforcements. Cuban soldiers are asked to ensure the safety and confidentiality of package delivery.

Osvaldo Fernandez, who incidentally is a Cuban soldier, is rumored to be meeting with a delegation of brotherhood from Cuba's new ally, the Soviet Union. These Soviets will become agricultural advisers and they will bring some agricultural equipment from Russia. Fernandez wondered why the aid had to rush off the ship in the middle of the night, and ensure their journey to Santa Cruz was over before dawn?

When the route passes through cities and villages, Cuban soldiers have lined up on the road to make sure no one leaves the house. Cuban soldiers have to make sure no one takes photos of the incredible convoy of massive trucks, "said Alan Little in his writing on The Guardian page entitled On the Brink (2002).

John F. Kennedy began to smell bad behavior from the Soviet Union in Cuba. The 35th US President received information that the Soviet Union had plans to attack the US. The issue of the Soviet Union's ballistic missiles has been spread in Cuba and has been volatile. Kennedy is still thinking about an invasion.

News of Kennedy is considering an invasion of Cuba down to journalists from the New York Herald Tribune, Warren Rogers and Robert Donovan. The two happened to discuss Kennedy's views at a bar located at the National Press Club building, Washington, USA in October 1962.

The conversation between the two was clearly recorded by a Soviet tycoon who has become a US citizen, Johnny Prokov. He, who incidentally worked at the bar where the rank-class, elite officials, and journalists tried to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Prokov heard loyal customers Robert Donovan would soon cover the military operation to seize Cuba. In fact, the information that was supposed to depart was Warren Rogers, not Donovan. Another mistake Prokov digested was that the attack would be carried out immediately.

The coverage plan is still tentative. Alias Kennedy himself is still thinking about invading Cuba. However, Prokov made a mistake in telling a senior journalist from the TaSS Soviet news agency, Anatoly Gorsky.

Prokov told him that the US would soon invade Cuba. Gorsky immediately continued the shocking information to the Kremlin. It's okay for Gorsky to be known as a journalist, but all of that was just his disguise as an intelligence agent of the Soviet Union, KGB.

Prokov didn't even know that Gorsky was a KGB agent. The information reached Nikita's ears. This condition made Nikita take a stand. He did not understand what Kennedy was in the minds of carrying out the invasion. There could be a nuclear war if both of them were prepared to attack.

The decision was taken by Khrushchev. The US-Uni Soviets also held a meeting. Both agreed not to extend the conflict. The Soviet Union asked America to lift the blockade and not invade Cuba. The Soviet Union then pulled its ballistic missiles in Cuba. The US also did the same by pulling its ballistic missile from Turkey.

This condition makes the potential for World War III - the nuclear war - not happening. All thanks to the information Prokov has distributed.

'Prokov made eye contact with fellow Soviets who entered the bar. Anatoly Gorsky was one of the best chess players at the bar. Since being accepted at the National Press Club, the TASS delegation, including Gorsky dominated the chess tournament. Gorsky is also a KGB agent who reports to Aleksandr Feklisov at the Soviet embassy. It is not known whether Prokov is aware of this, although like most of the journalistic community, maybe he suspects Gorsky is not just a TASS correspondent," said Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali in the bookOne Hell of a Gamble: Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958-1964 (1998).