Vice President Ma'ruf Ensures Government Focuses On Recovering PDNS 2 Services

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the government is currently focusing on restoring the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 service, before finding out the main cause of cyber attacks on the service.

"We have to explore this issue, first we will recover the situation, then we will find out why, so who will be blamed later," said the Vice President giving a press statement after attending the opening of the Halaqah Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) throughout East Java (East Java) at the Al Quran Salaf Islamic Boarding School (PPSQ) Asy-Syadzili 1, Malang Regency, East Java, reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 28.

The vice president said the National Data Center (PDN) was formed to unify central and regional government data centers so that they are not easily hacked.

"Indeed, the data center used to be considered that in our communities, institutions, it was easy to hack so that it was unified into a national data center. Apparently, when it was centered, when everything was hacked it got hit. So, it didn't think first that there was a possibility of hacking that much damage," said the Vice President.

The vice president also responded to the insistence that the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi resign from his post-event position.

"I think that changing matters is a matter of the prerogative of the President," said the Vice President.

On Monday (24/6), the government through the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) and the Ministry of Communication and Information identified as many as 211 agencies affected by the PDNS 2 cyber attack incident.

Then on Tuesday (25/6), 282 agencies were identified as affected by the PDNS 2 incident.

However, on Wednesday (26/6), it was recorded that 44 agencies were ready to carry out data recovery, while the rest were still in process. Of all that, five agencies have served the community again after migrating data.

The Minister of Communication and Information and the Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Hinsa Siburian have explained to Commission I of the DPR RI regarding cyber attacks on PDNS 2.

Budi Arie said there were no indications of data leakage due to cyberattack disturbances against PDNS 2 in Surabaya.

"Earlier, the results of the meeting with Commission I showed no indication and there was no evidence of a data leak," said Budi Arie.

Budi Arie said efforts to restore PDNS 2 were still being carried out. The Ministry of Communication and Information targets a full recovery of PDNS 2 to be completed by mid-August 2024.