Menkum HAM Claims Immigration Data At Amazon Safe Pascape Hacking

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkum HAM) Yasonna Laoly ensured that the condition of immigration service data which is now being transferred to the post-cyber attack Amazon Web Service (AWS) is in a safe condition.

"It's still there, still in AWS. Complete, good, there are no more obstacles," said Yasonna Laoly after attending an internal meeting related to the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) cyber attack at the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 28.

Yasonna ensured that the immigration data stored in AWS was safe from leakage.

However, Yasonna has not been able to confirm how long the immigration data currently stored in AWS will be returned to the National Data Center (PDN) in Indonesia.

"Just look at the progress later," he said.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights immigration service was transferred to AWS following disturbances in PDN due to ransomware attacks.

As of Monday (24/6), the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN and the Ministry of Communication and Information identified 211 agencies affected by the PDNS 2 cyber attack incident. A day later, 282 agencies were identified as affected by the incident.

Pada Rabu (26/6), tercatat 44 instansi yang siap untuk melakukan pemulihan data, sementara sisanya masih dalam proses. Dari semua itu, lima instansi telah melayani kembali masyarakat setelah melakukan migrasi data.