The First Debate Of The US Presidential Election, Joe Biden Will 'attack' Trump Who Is Considered Inappropriate To Serve

JAKARTA - In the inaugural debate of the United States (US) President Joe Biden planned to attack his predecessor because he was deemed unfit to serve and unfit to represent the United States on the world stage.

However, there is one strategy that Biden and his advisers did not plan to submit to the debate. Two CNN sources familiar with the matter said Biden avoided making important policy statements or personnel plans, as he did in the main debate in the last election.

While arguing with Democratic Party's main challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders in March 2020, Biden vowed to nominate a woman as vice president and, before the audience, repeated his promise to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court.

Faiz Shakir, campaign manager of Sanders in 2020, told CNN it was an intelligent and effective strategy that received a lot of media coverage, due to its announcement nature.

Democratic Party platforms for 2024 are still being designed by campaign team Biden and agents of the Democratic National Convention, several sources said, therefore most likely the next debate will focus more on policy and personnel.

Biden's advisers have confirmed they believe the most effective use of the first debate is to highlight the differences between the two candidates, thus giving voters a choice in urgent situations.