2 Weeks Become A Highlight Of DPRD, New South Jakarta City Government Inspects Residents' Settlements In Melawai

The South Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of two restaurants in Melawai Village, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

This inspection was carried out after two weeks ago the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, received complaints from Melawai residents. At that time, Prasetyo immediately asked the South Jakarta City Government to follow up on complaints from residents about restaurants disturbing the settlement.

There are two restaurants visited, namely Solo Ristorante on Jalan Melawai VI and Local Brunch Club on Jalan Iskandarsyah II.

During the inspection, the South Jakarta City Government examined business licensing, checking the operational condition of the restaurant which was a complaint from the local community.

"We are adapting the permits they have with what the existing conditions are factual. We will see whether it is according to public complaints or not," said Head of the South Jakarta City Government Economics Section, Mumu Mujtahid to reporters, Thursday, June 27.

Regarding Solo Ristorante, Mumu admitted that there was misuse of parking space using a road in the front of a resident's house. This is also what residents in the area have done.

"He (Solo Ristorante) doesn't have a parking lot inside. Meanwhile, Jalan (Melawai IV) can't have parking on the road. He has to move to park elsewhere," he said.

Restaurant managers confirmed that they had obtained a business license issued by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system with a low risk category. While the problem in addition to parking, this restaurant only applies for a permit for the low risk category. In fact, the restaurant also sells alcoholic beverages.

"Regarding the liquor, the permit for NIB (Business Identification Number) is issued automatically (so) that's it. It should be high (to) middle category," he said.

In addition, Mumu also ensured that Solo Ristorante did not yet have the approval of the building (PBG) which should have been made when changing the function of the building from home to a place of business.

Furthermore, for the Brunch Club Locak, Mumu said that the permit was in accordance with what was issued by the OSS. However, his party asked the manager to arrange the parking lot so as not to boom and build better relationships with neighbors.

"We convey to the management that yes, although formally there is no need for approval, but there is potential for friction or achievements, the impact will be with the left and right neighbors," he said.

After the inspection, the ranks of the South Jakarta City Government will hold a follow-up meeting to formulate follow-up recommendations that must be obeyed by the two restaurants.

Meanwhile, the Head of RW 01 Melawai Village, Nizarman Aminuddin, asked for firmness from the South Jakarta City Government to take action against business units that violate the area. He felt that residents had been disturbed by the operation of restaurants to illegal parking of visitors.

"I'm just asking for confirmation. Don't take too long, it's just a wind. You have to move quickly because these residents keep complaining to me," said Nizarman.