MPR Leader Admits There Is A Discourse On Amendments To The 1945 Constitution, But It's Not About The Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR from the PAN faction Yandri Susanto admitted that his party had a discourse on amending the 1945 Constitution. However, Yandri emphasized that the amendment did not discuss the concept of presidential election (Pilpres).

According to him, amendments are needed to restore the dignity of the MPR as the country's highest institution.

"Indeed, there are some things that need to be amended, but not necessarily targeting the presidential election, not necessarily. Maybe about the function of higher institutions, the highest institutions or other things," said Yandri at the PAN DPP office, South Jakarta, Thursday, June 27.

Yandri revealed that a number of factions in the MPR had discussed comprehensively about the discourse of restoring the dignity of the MPR as the country's highest institution. The PAN MPR faction, he said, agreed with the proposed limited amendment.

"That is one of the things that has been discussed at the MPR faction level, there needs to be a limited amendment. But what has been amended, until now there has been no common ground, it is still under discussion," said Yandri.

The deputy head of PAN then touched on the controversy over the statement by the Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) which resulted in sanctions from the DPR MKD. Where Bamsoet claimed that all factions agreed to amend the 1945 Constitution (UUD).

Yandri considered that Bamsoet's claim was inappropriate. Although he said, as a member or leader of the DPR and the MPR, it was appropriate to give any statement to the public.

"Actually, whoever is a member of the DPR, or the leadership of the DPR, the leadership of the MPR, DPD, is allowed to talk to the media about the ideas. But if it claims everything and it's a decision, that might not be right," said Yandri.