4 Criteria For Capim KPK And Dewas In The Eyes Of The Vice President

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the four criteria for the candidate for leadership and supervisory board (dewas) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to ensure the effectiveness and credibility of the institution in the future.

"I think the first track record must be clean. That's a track record because if the track record is no longer clean, I think it will be difficult," said the Vice President in a press statement after reviewing the toxic and hazardous waste treatment plant (B3) and PT Fronte Classic Indonesia in the Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) area, Pasuruan Regency, East Java reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 27.

The next criteria, said the Vice President, are integrity and commitment.

"Fourth, independent, don't deposit it, really be independent," he said.

According to the Vice President, if the four criteria are met, the KPK leaders and adults will be born that can be expected.

"So, the track record is good, the commitment is also, the integrity, and also the independence," said the Vice President.

The Vice President also emphasized that the election of KPK leaders and adolescents must be carried out very carefully. This is because the institution's existence is very important and has always been in the public spotlight, even judged by the international side.

"I ask because of course the KPK is a very important institution and has always been in the public spotlight, there is even a score given by the international side in what position we are in, so that the leadership and council of the KPK are important," he said.

It is known that the selection committee (pansel) for the leadership and council of the KPK arrested 94 people who registered their accounts on the first day of registration opening, Wednesday (26/6).

"There are already 94 people who have registered their accounts," said Deputy Chairperson of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Leaders and Supervisory Board of the KPK Arif Satria in his statement in Jakarta, Wednesday (26/6).

Although 94 have registered accounts, until 15.00 WIB, Wednesday (26/6) no one has submitted the required documents to the committee.

The file, which will later enter the KPK's Pansel, said Arif, will be verified according to the requirements listed in the announcement.