Anji Accused Of Cheating With Someone's Wife, Wina Natalia Reluctant To Respond

JAKARTA - The pair of musicians Anji Manji and Wina Natalia are undergoing a divorce trial at the Cibinong Religious Court (PA), West Java today, Thursday, June 27. Unfortunately, both Anji and Wina were seen absent from the trial scheduled for evidence.

"Today we have just finished the trial. The agenda for submitting proof of letter from us, the plaintiff and the defendant," said Yudhi Bimantara, Wina Natalia's attorney at PA Cibinong, West Java, Thursday, June 27.

In the midst of a divorce, Anji is rumored to be in a relationship with a wife from the rapper of Indonesia Sexy Goath,ria Angela.

Seeing this, the Wina said that he did not want to respond further to the news on the grounds that he wanted to focus on my divorce.

"If it's a third person issue, we can't respond because the issue can be developed here and there," added Yudhi.

"But, what is certain is that until now we don't want to respond to the issues currently circulating about a third person or whatever," he said.

Yudhi said that maybe Wina Natalia already knew about the news but did not want to just respond.

"The news may (Wina Natalia) know, but Ms. Wina doesn't want to respond first at this time, no comments first," he explained.

Wina also did not try to tell Anji the truth about the news directly. "(Confirmation to Anji) I don't think so," he said.