Minister Of Home Affairs Tito Leave It To The Apparatus If PPATK's Finding Is True There Is A Regional Head Playing Online Gambling
JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian confirmed that he would submit the legal process to the apparatus if the regional head was proven to be playing online gambling based on the findings of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).
Tito admitted that in the near future he would explore information related to PPATK's findings that regional regional parties were involved in online gambling. "It can also be submitted to law enforcement officials, whether the KPK, the Prosecutor's Office, or the National Police to clarify," said Tito after attending a working meeting with the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, June 27, which was confiscated by Antara. In addition, according to him, currently there are as many as 270 definitive regional heads and 273 regional heads with acting status.
Tito will also ask PPATK for information about the names of the regional heads in question.
According to him, the Ministry of Home Affairs has its own mechanism to take action if there are regional heads involved in legal problems. The sanctions can be in the form of warnings and even removal from their positions. In addition, he said that PPATK's findings are usually suspicious transactions, so if the data is received from the PPATK, then his party will also clarify first to the person concerned.
If these allegations are true, then he will not hesitate to announce the names of regional heads who play online gambling. "And remember the risks, yes. Negative things will have an impact on electability," said Tito.
Previously, PPATK held a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI on Wednesday, June 26, and announced that there were more than 1,000 people within the DPR RI and the DPRD who were suspected of being involved in online gambling. In particular, he said, transactions that were unreasonable during election moments. "That's just an alleged transaction that is not reasonable. That there are candidates who make transactions are suspected to be unnatural, including regional heads," said Bambang, Wednesday, June 26.