The Bolivian Military Had Entered The Presidential Palace Area, President Arce Condemns Coup Efforts

JAKARTA - Bolivia's military personnel with armored vehicles were withdrawn from the presidential palace in La Paz late Wednesday, after President Luis Arce criticized the "coup" attempt against the government and asked for international support.

"Today this country is facing a coup attempt. Today this country is once again facing its interests so that democracy in Bolivia is cut off," he said in comments from the presidential palace, with armed troops outside.

"The Bolivian people are called today. We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against a coup for democracy," he continued.

Previously, a military unit led by General Juan Jose Zuniga, who had just been stripped of his military command, gathered in Plaza Murillo square, where the presidential and Congressional palaces were located. A witness saw an armored vehicle crashing into the door of the presidential palace and soldiers storming into.

Hours later, a witness saw soldiers withdraw from the square and police control the square.

In the palace, President Arce appointed General total Wilson S Waychez as military commander, Zuniga's previous position. General Sanchez asked the soldiers to return to their barracks and so that their leaders avoid bloodshed.

"I ordered all personnel mobilized on the streets to return to their units," said General Sanchez.

"We ask that the blood of our soldiers do not spill," he exclaimed.

Ahead of the attack on the presidential palace, General Zuniga has spoken to reporters in the square and cited growing anger in the land-locked country, which has struggled with the economic downturn with central bank reserves running low, as well as pressure on the bolizianocurrencies as gas exports have dried up.

"Three heads of the armed forces have come to express our disappointment," General Zuniga told local TV stations, calling on a new cabinet of ministers. He did not call for Arce's removal.

"Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country, stop embarrassing our army," he said in a complete uniform, flanked by soldiers, insisting that the actions taken were supported by the public.

Tensions are rising in Bolivia ahead of the 2025 general election, with former left-wing President Evo Morales planning to run against his former ally Arce, who created a major rift in the ruling socialist party and wider political uncertainty.

Many do not want Morales' return, who ruled from 2006-2019 when he was ousted amid widespread protests and replaced by conservative interim government. President Arce then won the election in 2020.

General Zuniga recently said Morales should not be able to return as president and threatened to block him if he tried, which led President Arce to remove General Zuniga from office.

Morales, head of the ruling MAS socialist party, said his supporters would move to support democracy.

He accused General Zuniga of trying to carry out a coup and announced the termination of public work and calls to block roads.

"We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate people," Morales said.

Public support for President Arce and Bolivian democracy has flowed from regional leaders. In fact, conservative political opponents in Bolivia including jailed former President Jeanine Anez have strongly condemned the military's actions.

"I completely reject the mobilization of the military at Plaza Murillo which seeks to destroy the constitutional order," he wrote on X.

"MAS with Arce and Evo must be removed by voting in 2025. We Bolivian people will defend democracy," he said.