Bappenas: Small Island Needs To Be Driven As A Source Of Economic Growth

JAKARTA - The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) said that small islands in Indonesia need to be encouraged to become a source of economic growth.

"We need to develop the archipelago paradigm. So, how to make our area a real source of economic growth for national growth," said Director of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Mohamad Rahmat Mulianda as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

He conveyed that there are four important points in the management strategy of small islands.

First, the implementation of the blue economy concept in national and local policies.

This concept needs to focus on environmental, social and economic aspects of the archipelago.

Second, infrastructure development, inter-island connectivity, and improving basic services. This includes integrated development, increasing inter-island transportation and communication, and providing quality basic services.

Third, development and empowerment based on the local community of the islands. This effort needs to ensure that the economic, social and environmental benefits can be felt directly by the local community.

Finally, increasing maritime security and sovereignty and illegal fishing enforcement.

According to Rahmat, this step was taken by increasing surveillance technology, international cooperation, training the apparatus, and implementing strict sanctions to protect marine resources in a sustainable manner.

Previously, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said the implementation of the Blue Economy could help drive various industries, especially in the marine sector.

Indonesia has a large modality in the maritime sector which is part of the Blue Economy. Based on the Roadmap for the Indonesian Blue Economy Roadmap 2023-2045, the Government set a maritime contribution target of 15 percent of the national gross domestic product (GDP) in 2045.