Flash Flood Hits Tenilo Gorontalo, Mud To Batang Kayu Crossing Streets

GORONTALO - Flash floods accompanied by mud material and tree trunks hit Tenilo Village, West City District, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province, Wednesday, June 26.

Tenilo Village Head Gamarudin Daud said the flood this time was the worst, because of the heavy water carrying the material to the roads and the residents' yard.

"All regional apparatus organizations (OPD) are already in the field," he said in Gorontalo, Wednesday, June 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

One resident of Tenilo Atiek Laadi said the water began to hit heavily at 16.00 WITA.

"Initially it didn't rain too hard, in the afternoon it started to get heavy and the water started to rise until it entered the house," he said.

Atiek said that heavy water brought various materials ranging from mud to logs of a sizeable size.

"Now the roads are filled with water and mud, my houses and stalls have been flooded," he said.

He revealed that the water came from the hills in the area.