Data On 44 Agencies Affected By Ransomware PDNS 2 Has Been Successful In Migration
Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said there were 44 agencies whose data had been migrated as a result of a ransomware attack targeting the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2.
Meanwhile, data from 238 other agencies, out of a total of 282 affected agencies, is still in the monitoring process, because according to Nezar, they do not have data backup.
"We hope that the recovery can be faster and migrate the recovery data because he has encrypted the data," said Nezar after a public discussion entitled Preparing responsible and Trusted AI Regulations for Indonesia on Wednesday, June 26 in Jakarta.
However, Wamenkominfo Nezar emphasized that until now there has been no threat of leaking the data to illegal sites from the perpetrators of the attack.
Jadi memang masuknya ransomware dari berbagai cara. Ada yang memang terminya dengan sengaja dilakukan memang dia datang flashdisk di inject ransomware atau malware. Ada juga yang disebarkan lewat link dan sebagainya lalu terinfeksi, sambungnya.
It is known that there has been a disruption to the PDNS service system since last Thursday, June 20. The length of the recovery process is because apart from dredging all existing data, it also ensures that the migration site is safe.
"For that migration, we have to make sure that the new landing place is also clean. Well, this is not a joke," said Nezar.
"So indeed this must be careful and the most important thing is that priority public services can run again," he said.