Nadhif Basalamah Presents Four Phases Of His Hodupan Travel Through Album Self-titled

JAKARTA - Nadhif Basalamah launched his first self-titled album with the title "Nadhif". This is proof of him as a singer and songwriter who debuted in 2018.

This album marks a new chapter for Nadhif in the music industry, which reflects on his personal journey and illustrates the essence of honest music from him.

The title 'Nadhif' was chosen to give a personal and strong impression to listeners, where each song on this album tells of the life phases experienced by Nadhif, ranging from happiness, loss, longing to reflection.

There are eight songs depicting Nadhif's maturity that occurred almost all year ago. Each song on this album offers the exploration of broader life issues with more diverse and complex themes, which include the search for meaning and self-introspection.

Nadhif divided his album into four different phases he experienced. The first phase, called the broken heart phase, begins with the song something', which tells of unrest over the different ways that two people like each other, but one of them is not ready to commit.

Entering the second phase is a stage where Nadhif shows his side of fragility through the song'suddenly Friday again', which tells of the days that feel bland, surviving from one day to the next.

In the third phase, Nadhif rediscovered love in the song full, which marked the beginning of a new journey. Nadhif again finds meaning every day, falling in love again chosen as focus track is an expression of gratitude for his meeting with someone right, and cover is here as a sacrifice metaphor for someone he loves.

The fourth phase marks Nadhif's maturity through the song "the content of my head", which is his momentum for contemplation, rethinking the things he wants to fight for in life. Then, written/therapy comes as his effort to survive and find meaning.

Nadhif presents his story to listeners with the hope that those who experience the same thing can interpret each day they go through.

"This album lifts various trips that may have been experienced by many people, such as how to interpret the passing days, even the journey where a person is at a point of surrender after many events that occur in his life," said Nadhif Basalamah.

I hope that listeners can feel and understand the stories I have put in these songs.