Ministry Of Industry Says There Are Mangkrak Seaweed Processing Factories: Some Ask For Restructuring

JAKARTA - Director General of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Putu Juli Ardika admitted that many Indonesian seaweed processing plants were stalled. He said some businessmen had asked the Ministry of Industry to restructure this industry.

"We have responded to the restructuring program which is now in effect starting this year," Putu said, quoted on Wednesday, June 26.

The engine restructuring for this sector is still in the process of harmonizing the legal umbrella. Although until June the rules have not been completed, Putu targets this program to be carried out in 2024.

It is known, the Ministry of Industry has prepared a budget of IDR 20 billion for the overall food and beverage industry (mamin) restructuring program this year. Although it has not been explained how much portion will be allocated to the seaweed processing industry.

On the same occasion, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Seaweed Industry Association (Astruli) Polantas Tambunan confirmed that several seaweed processing plants had stalled. In fact, it has occurred since 2016.

"For those who are stalled, we have had homework (homework) for a long time, 2016. And there are also some that have stalled," he said.

He hopes that the various policies signed by the Ministry of Industry can help improve this industry. Polantas said, based on 2023 data, there were 10 seaweed processing plants stalled out of a total of 55 factories in the country. Then, there are 45 existing factories and six of them are foreign investment factories.

"Until last year, there were 55 factories, 6 foreigners and 10 who had problems. The rest are still running, there are around 45 that are running," he added.