KPK Endus 'Bau Anyir' Regarding The Decision Of Sela Gazalba Saleh By The Jakarta Corruption Court

JAKARTA - The interim chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango said that the decision on the sidelines of the inactive Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh was odd. The unpleasant smell is said to be smelled by all parties, not only by his institution.

"When it comes to new smells, everyone can kiss him. Moreover, the Corruption Eradication Commission, whose work does smell," Nawawi told reporters at a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25.

Nawawi did not specify the smell of anyir he meant. He only ensured that the Jakarta Corruption Court Panel of Judges handling the Gazalba Saleh case had been reported to the Judicial Commission (KY) and the Supreme Court (MA) Supervisory Body (Bawas).

Moreover, there were allegations of ethical violations committed by the judge during the trial. Among them are that they seem to direct the prosecutor to follow the interim decision without explaining further legal steps that can be taken.

Even so, Nawawi submitted the final assessment to KY and the MA Bawas. He did not want to precede the decisions of the two institutions.

"We leave it entirely to the Judicial Commission and the Supervisory Body to conduct an assessment," he said.

As previously reported, PT Jakarta canceled the interlocutory decision on the gratification and money laundering case that ensnared the inactive Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh. The Jakarta Corruption Court was asked to continue the trial.

"Ordered the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court which tried the a quo case to continue to try and decide the a quo case," said Chief Judge Subachran Hardi Mulyono at the Jakarta High Court, Monday, June 24.

The Panel of Judges of PT Jakarta in its decision rejected the objections or exceptions submitted by the Gazalba camp. The KPK did not make a mistake in making the indictment.

The Jakarta Corruption Court ordered the KPK to release Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh in a trial held on Monday, May 27. This order came after the exception submitted was granted.

"To try, one, grant a note of objection from the legal advisory team of the defendant Gazalba Saleh," said Panel of Judges Fahzal Hendri.

This exception was granted because the judge assessed that the prosecutor at the KPK had not received an appointment from the Attorney General. Thus, the indictment submitted cannot be accepted.