Banggar DPR Values Free Food Program Budget Of IDR 71 Trillion Still Makes Sense

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR RI Budget Agency (Banggar) Said Abdullah assessed that the Rp71 trillion budget for the free nutritious food program allocated in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) still makes sense. According to me, even though the budget allocation for social assistance, subsidies, and compensation has reached Rp500 trillion, he believes that the additional budget allocation for the free meal program will not interfere with the state fiscals. "In fact, we have reached Rp540 trillion," Said said at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25. According to him, the budget allocation of Rp71 trillion is also a hope for legislators in Banggar. The reason, according to him, the growing issue of budget figures for the program so far is quite devastating. "As in 2025 it was immediately Rp430 trillion, in my opinion, I am sure Mr. Prabowo will also calculate carefully about our fiscals," he said.

He said, in a DPR meeting some time ago regarding the government's (RKP) work plan, there was flexibility for the government to use the budget in accordance with the needs of the next government's vision and mission.

So that in an introductory financial note from the President at the DPR RI Annual Session on August 16, according to him, the figure of Rp71 trillion can already be included in the central expenditure. "The issue is only the ministry, whether the Ministry of Social Affairs, whether the Ministry of Education, or the Ministry of Health, is the authority of the government," he said. Previously, on Monday, June 24, the Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati allocated a budget for the Free Nutrition Eating (MBG) program of Rp71 trillion in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN). As is known, the MBG program is one of the priority programs of the elected president and vice president Prabowo-Gibran. The implementation of the MBG Program will be carried out in stages, which the allocation of Rp71 trillion is the budget for the first year.