8 Tips Solo Travelers To Thailand To Make Holidays Safer And Comfortable

YOGYAKARTA Tips to become a solo traveler to Thailand need to be seen so that you can prepare all the accommodation needed when packing to the Land of the White Elephant.

Solo traveler means people who travel to a place or area of their own without being guided or with other people.

Most of these types of travelers have prepared everything so as not to experience events that can disrupt their journey.

Summarized from various sources, here are some tips you need to pay attention to if you want a vacation to Thailand alone:

1. Prepare clothes that are comfortable and polite

Before traveling to Thailand, prepare clothes that are comfortable and polite. Wearing clothes that are comfortable will make it easier for you to do outdoor activities. While polite clothes can protect you from a person's various bad intentions. In addition, polite clothes must also be used when visiting tourist destinations, especially when entering a temple in Thailand.

2. Download the translator application

The second tip is to install a translator application on a smartphone. This application is very useful when you ask Thai natives. Because local residents tend not to really understand English. With this application, you can understand the meaning of the words made in Thai.

3. Bring a portable charger device

When solo traveling to Thailand, you are advised to bring a portable charger device. This device is very useful because it can be used to charge a smartphone without having to connect the device to an electric outlet.

That way, you won't worry about running out of battery while traveling around the White Elephant Country.

4. Bring cash with both sheet and change

Make sure you have enough cash when you go around. Especially if you use public transportation to travel to tourist attractions.

In Thailand, public transportation payments use a lot of change. Of course this should be the main preparation for those of you who want to use public transportation.

5. Research and choose a place to stay

Teliti in choosing a place to stay is a tip to become the next solo traveler to Thailand.

You have to be really thorough when reading the review of the place to go. In addition, you also need to ask for advice from those who have been to Thailand to enrich information.

6. Selective in choosing a place to eat

If you are a Muslim, you need to be selective in choosing a place to eat. Because, in Thailand, there are many restaurants serving non-halal foods.

7. Check the prohibition that must be obeyed when going to Thailand

Since you are traveling without a guide or accompanied by someone else, you should know some of the prohibitions that tourists must comply with when going to Thailand. Some of these prohibitions, namely:

8. Bring a bolpoin note, and personal data

It seems trivial, but this tip should not be forgotten when you are going around in Thailand. Because, you may experience problems when using a translator application. By bringing notes and bolpoins, you can search for information where you want to go.

That's information about solo traveler tips to Thailand. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.