When Do Children Have To Go To Posyandu? This Is A List Of Age-based Activities

YOGYAKARTA One of the provisions of parenting that must be owned by both fathers and mothers is knowing when children should go to Posyandu (Integrated Service Post). These health services will monitor the health of infants and toddlers.

Not only related to the health of babies and toddlers, the health workers in the service help provide education to parents while ensuring that children's growth and development can be maximized. Then when should mothers start taking their children to Posyandu?

As explained earlier, one of the roles of integrated services is to monitor the health as well as the child's growth and development. This means that babies are advised to be brought to the health service since the age of 0.

Reporting from the Ministry of Health website, children must be taken to Posyandu from the age of 0 to the age of 5. At the service center there are several programs that will be followed by mothers and children such as monitoring children's growth and development, education related to children's growth and development, breastfeeding, immunization, nutrition, children's games, to providing additional food to support the health of toddlers.

It should be noted that at the health service, mothers and children will be accompanied by health cadres and/or health workers. At Posyandu, health cadres will do a number of things according to their child's age, which is as follows.

Health workers will provide basic immunizations that must be given to children under 18 months of age. The basic immunization given is as follows, quoted from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Mother will get information regarding when children can get worm medicine. The drug serves to prevent worm infection in the child's stomach.worms that usually infect children such as roundworms, mines, and kremi.

These worms interfere with the absorption of nutrients so that they must be treated. Usually, Posyandu provides two worm medicines in one year.

Health workers in integrated services will provide supplements to children in the form of vitamin A. This vitamin is given after the child is 6 months old. Vitamins given to children are usually in the form of drops given by mouth.

Health cadres will monitor child growth. Monitoring includes several things such as height, weight, and head circumference. The results of the examination and monitoring are then matched with the child's growth curve to see if the child's development occurs ideally or not.

Knowing when it is important for children to go to Posyandu to do so that parents must really pay attention to it. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.