Bought Online, Alibi Virgoun Uses Methamphetamine To Lose Weight

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi conveyed the motive behind the use of methamphetamine by musician Virgoun.

Syahduddi said that of the three suspects arrested, namely VTP, PA, and BH had different motives. For Virgoun himself admitted to using methamphetamine to lose weight.

"Of the three families, they have different motives. VTP itself uses drugs to lose weight," said Syahduddi at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, June 25.

Then for the female friend who was arrested with Virgoun, PA said it aims to maintain stamina while working.

"Then, the suspect PA is a synthetic tobacco type of narcotic to help with his work activities," continued Syahduddi.

Furthermore, Syahduddi said that Virgoun admitted that he had consumed drugs in 2012 but had stopped.

Only in 2024 will Virgoun consume these illegal drugs again.

"And VTP itself admitted that he had consumed in 2012 and stopped. Starting this year and finally being secured by officers. PA is the first time together with VTP," he added.

Syahduddi said that Virgoun bought the methamphetamine from someone who is still the DPO of the police.

Virgoun bought the methamphetamine at a price of Rp. 1.6 million for consumption together with PA.

"Where the suspect BH admitted that he was an active user of narcotics type sinte and mmng when this student occurred, the person concerned was ordered by VTP to buy methamphetamine from someone online for Rp1,600,000," he said.