Tips For Choosing Layer Chickens For The Best Egg Massaging Or Production

YOGYAKARTA Laying hens are important things to pay attention to. Even this knowledge is also important as part of the way of domestic chicken farming. Pakan has an impact on health which also affects the growth and development of chickens and the quality of their eggs. In order to get the best results, it is advisable to know the type and mixture to give to chickens.

Chicken feed must also meet good nutrition and nutrition. In the market, there are many types of feed that can be given to chickens. However, it is recommended to provide additional mixtures so that the nutrition is more complete.

Bekatul or dedak is a powder that is produced from the rice milling process. This feed material is very easy to find so that farmers sometimes choose bekatul for feed. Besides being easy, bekatul is also high in carbohydrates that help fast fat chickens.

Unfortunately, bekatul has a rough fiber that contains fit acid. This combination is quite influential on the safety factor of feed, therefore it is recommended to limit the giving of bekatul.

The giving of bekatul for chickens must consider nutrition and age of chickens. For ages 0 to 4 weeks, it is recommended to provide a maximum fine of 10 percent. Meanwhile, chickens aged 4 - 8 weeks the maximum dose is recommended at 25 percent.

As the name suggests, milled corn is a corn seed that has previously gone through the milling process so that it is smaller in size. The size of the mills itself varies according to the needs.

This feed source has good nutrition to be given to laying hens such as energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

The provision of milling corn is highly recommended because it has a good impact on chickens such as increasing weight, strengthening bones, nourishing digestion, and so on.

Weakness of using corn for chicken feed is the price is relatively expensive. In addition, corn is sometimes contaminated with mushrooms containing aflates that have the potential to interfere with the health of chickens.

Onggok is solid waste in the form of grounds from the processing of cassava into tapoka flour. This feed material is also quite nutritious because it contains protein, rough fiber, fat, and so on. This feed is also quite potential to replace corn which is relatively expensive.

Weakness in the use of bagged feed for chickens is that the protein content is not as high as corn. In addition, mounting has a high fiber content that can also affect the digestion of the chicken. It is recommended to ferment on the mount before being given to the chicken.

Concentrat feed is a feed consisting of various mixtures of ingredients ranging from coconut mangic, groundnut mangic, fine dedak, corn flour, kitchen salt, lime, and bone flour. This material provides balanced protein and nutrients.

Some of the benefits of concentrat for chickens are increasing egg productivity, maintaining weight, increasing chicken retail power, and so on.

Unfortunately, the price of the concentrate is quite expensive. Its use can be done for distribution so that farmers do not suffer losses.

Inaccurate feeding can have an impact on decreasing the appetite for chickens. At that time, there was no need to worry because there was a way to deal with chickens not wanting to eat.

That's the recommended laying hen feed. To get other interesting information, visit