Vice President: Need Improvement Of Density Anticipation Infrastructure In Mina

Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said that infrastructure improvements were needed to anticipate the density of tents for pilgrims in Mina, Saudi Arabia.

The vice president said this when giving a press statement after attending the 91st National Broadcasting Day Commemoration (Harsiarnas) and the Opening of the 2024 Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) at ICE BSD, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Monday, June 24.

Mina's territory is indeed limited in size. If the quota of Indonesian pilgrims increases, it will make room per congregation narrower.

Therefore, said the Vice President, improvements to infrastructure and infrastructure must continue to be carried out to anticipate congestion in the future.

"This means that when we get an additional quota, it must be anticipated. In the future it must be anticipated, it must be prepared. Don't make the tents like that even though the pilgrims are increasing," he said.

It is known that the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Hajj Supervisory Team (Timwas) reported that the 2024 Indonesian pilgrims still experience living in overcrowded tents in Mina, so that in the midst of extreme hot weather, some pilgrims have to sleep sitting or even have to rest outside the tent.

Regarding these improvement efforts, the Vice President continued, intensive communication with the Government of Saudi Arabia is also needed. This is because governance in Mina is fully under the authority and responsibility of Saudi Arabia.

"Indeed, there must be efforts from the Government of Saudi Arabia itself to make this Mina to accommodate many pilgrims," he said.

Moreover, said the Vice President, the quota for pilgrims will continue to be added every year, so that the issue of the density of tents in Mina really should be a serious concern of the Government of Saudi Arabia.

"Therefore, maybe by building, what I hear is that high-rise buildings in Mina- will be built so that they can accommodate a larger number of worshipers," he said.

Including the Indonesian Hajj organizing committee, the Vice President also requested that he continue to try to get a wider accommodation room in line with the increasing quota of Indonesian pilgrims.

"And we also, our government, our Hajj organizers, must also prepare an additional number of tents so that nothing else happens yesterday in Mina," said the Vice President.

Previously, the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas hoped that the Ministry of Hajj of Saudi Arabia would immediately provide a solution in overcoming the density in Mina for the implementation of the pilgrimage next year.

"On the occasion of meeting the Minister of Hajj of Saudi Arabia, Tawfiq bin Fauzan Al-Rabiah, always tell whether Mina's density cannot have a solution," said Minister of Religion Yaqut in Makkah, Thursday (20/6).

Minister of Religion Yaqut said Mina's expansion was indeed very limited and impossible to be enlarged. Meanwhile, the number of pilgrims continues to grow. Moreover, all Hajj participants arrived in Mina after the match at Muzdalifah.

The large number of worshipers who cannot be balanced with the capacity in Mina makes the congregation have to jostle in a tent. This makes Indonesian pilgrims have to be willing to remain silent in the aisle at certain times.