NasDem Jakarta Chairman Wibi Andrino Concerning The Gubernatorial Election: I Pray For Ahmad Sahroni To Advance

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Jakarta Regional Leadership Council (DPW) NasDem Party Wibi Andrino hopes that NasDem General Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni will run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. He invited NasDem cadres to persuade the member of the DPR RI.

This was conveyed when he opened a consolidation event for the structure of the NasDem Party in the context of evaluating the 2024 General Election and strengthening the preparation structure for the Jakarta Regional Election, Sunday, June 23. Initially, Wibi said Sahroni was a cadre from the DPW Jakarta who always passed to the DPR RI from the 2019 to 2024 Pilleg.

"It's not sophisticated, bro Ahmad Sahroni, try it. Three terms for members of the Indonesian House of Representatives," Wibi said in his remarks at the NasDem Party State Defense Academy, Jakarta.

"Hopefully, at the opportunity during the day, his heart will be moved to run for the Jakarta Pilkada. If we have the best cadres, why don't we push it, right?" he continued to applause from the cadres present.

Wibi then said that the NasDem Jakarta DPW had submitted three names to Bappilu NasDem to be nominated in the Jakarta Pilkada. They are Anies Baswedan, Ahmad Sahroni, and Wibi Andrino.

"If I really don't have an interest, then I can get a seat for the leadership of the DPRD, do you want to run for governor? Later PAW, please," he said.

However, Wibi hopes that Sahroni will run for himself. "For me, in my little heart, I pray and hope that, Bang Ahmad Saroni will come forward," he said.

"But how can you believe that he is a tough one. I ask for help from all of you later when he is present, please help push. Push, you know, not boost (drive until he falls). Driven, "concluded Wibi.