Parents, Recognize The 3 Great Changes Children Experienced When They Were 18 Years Old And How To Deal With It

JAKARTA - Entering the age of 18 is a sign that children are entering adulthood. And with this achievement, greater independence and responsibility emerged. However, your job as a parent has not ended after the teenage child is 18 years old. Regardless of the child's plans in his life, there are several major changes that you should pay attention to when your child transitions from teenager to early stages of adulthood. Here is the full details of meeting Parents, Friday, June 21.

New Legal Rights And Responsibility

eighteen years of age is a milestone towards maturity accompanied by new privileges and serious legal implications. At the age of 18, teenagers can exercise election rights, buy a house, and even get married. At this age children can also be caught in serious legal problems and are required to be imprisoned.

Sex Brings More Consequences For 18-Year-Old Children

18-year-olds need to be aware of age differences with their partners. Some laws are made to protect children from abuse by older couples and predators. 18-year-olds are now adults, and it's best to avoid dating younger teens, even though their age may look close.

18-Year-Old Children Have New Privacy Rights

It's natural that parents feel jittery and reminiscent about their childhood when they are 18 years old. But with this achievement, there are also new rights that will change your relationship. Want to see a medical record, value, or report of an 18-year-old child's bank? Can't, unless your child officially approves it.

Listen To What Your Child Wants

The first way to respond to the development of 18-year-old children is to listen to what they want. When the child is 18 years old, it means that he has started to think about what he wants. Therefore, parents must listen to what the child wants.

However, parents are also obliged to find out whether the child's wishes are in accordance with their wishes. After listening to the child's wishes, invite the child to discuss so that he can also choose his way of life well.

Find Joint Solutions

After communication is built, the next step is to find a joint solution on various occasions, especially when they have problems. Strive for the idea to always be heard and provide input so that the problem can be resolved properly and responsibly.

Give You A Chance And Support

The next way to respond to the development of children aged 18 years is to provide opportunities and support. Parents are obliged to provide whatever support the child wants from the way he chooses to be right or positive. Remind the child that he does not need to follow other people and focus on what he aims for.

If the child is going to try something that has never been done in the family, find the best solution and give support to increase his confidence. That way, later the child will be more confident and dare to make decisions.

Pay Attention To Behavior Change

Changing his teenage behavior can cause him to experience mental health problems. Usually, this starts when he has a crisis of confidence, does not want to interact with other people, and experiences sleep problems. For that, always remind the child that parents will always be there for him and will help find a way out or a solution to the problem.