5 Market Snacks That Are Not Easy To Base, Delicious And Liked By Various Groups

YOGYAKARTA Market snacks that are not easily stale are very suitable for snack stock at home and also souvenirs when visiting relatives' homes.

Market snacks are snacks that are liked by various groups. This snack is popular because the price is relatively affordable, has a good taste, and there are many choices available.

In Indonesia, market snacks are generally made without preservatives so that they are safer to consume.

Summarized from various sources, this article will discuss market snacks that can last a few days, although the manufacturing process does not add preservatives.

1. Lemper

Lemper is a traditional food that is in the shape of a hand holder and wrapped in banana leaves so that its aroma is distinctive. The main ingredient for making Lemper is glutinous rice cooked with coconut coconut coconut milk. Lemper usually contains garndeng or moisturized chicken.

Even though it includes wet food, the glueper turns out to be a long-lasting market snack. This food can last 2-3 days if stored in room temperature.

2. Bikang

Bikang is a traditional cake that is synonymous with a striking color made of rice flour.

Bikang cake is one of the typical snacks of Central Java which has a sweet and savory taste. These snacks can generally be found in traditional markets.

Bikang cake has a fairly long durability, which is about 1 to 2 days as long as it is stored in a closed container.

3. Onde-onde

Onde-onde is also a market snack that is not easily stale. This typical Nusantara food is generally made of glutinous flour dough which is filled with green beans, then given a wijen sprinkle and fried.

In addition, there are also other variations, where onde-onde is made from flour that is given various colors, such as white, red, green. Onde-onde fillings are now also very diverse, some are filled with chocolate, red beans, brown sugar, and coconut scarcity.

Onde-onde creation is fried. This method can make onde-onde last up to 2 days at room temperature.

Onde-onde includes traditional snacks made without preservatives and can last up to three days at room temperature.

4. Pastel cake

Market snacks that are not easily stale next is pastel cake. Pastel itself is a kind of pastry food made by placing the filling on the dough and then folding and shaping it. Pastel has a thin skin makes itEZier

Pastel cake is one of the snacks favored by the Indonesian people because it has a savory taste and feels crunchy in the mouth. Pastel cake can last for 3 days if stored in the refrigerator.

5. Swimming

Rengginang is a traditional food made from white glutinous rice which is steamed with the rolling of bamboo shells. This Kerrang meat produces a distinctive flavor of penganggangang that is always missed.

In addition, there is also a strain variant that is mixed with brown sugar in the manufacturing process. In fact, there are strings that are usually processed with salt, terated, and ebi flavors.

Rengginang is a snack that is easy to find in traditional markets. This snack is very popular because it has a savory or sweet taste, and has a crunchy texture.

In addition, the shelf life is also long. If stored properly, rent can last up to months.

This is information about market snacks that are not easily stale. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.