The Ministry Of Transportation's Baketrans Tests Amphibious Aircraft Flights In Bali

The Transportation Policy Agency (Baketrans) of the Ministry of Transportation conducted a seaplane flight or amphibious aircraft test at Mertasari Beach, Denpasar, Bali.

Head of Baketrans Robby Kurniawan said the seaplane flight test was carried out as an effort to encourage the area around Denpasar to become the first seaplane hub in Indonesia which was then connected to other potential locations.

"This activity is the second trial that was previously carried out in 2021 on Gili Iyang Island, Sumenep, East Java, this seaplane trial is also a follow-up to the quick win Baketrans activity in 2024 related to the airport waters," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 20.

Robby Kurniawan explained that water airports have the potential and opportunity for Indonesian countries because they can be an alternative to crossing transportation and connecting provincial capitals or big cities with other cities.

In addition, airport waters can also be a connecting medium for travelers from hub airports to water-based tourist destinations, as well as become a pioneer transportation node for island and archipelago areas, especially in 3T areas.

"The operation of water airports and seaplanes in archipelagic countries such as Indonesia can not be an option in increasing connectivity, it can also be a new opportunity for regions in Indonesia to attract tourists and develop tourist destinations in the region," he said.

He revealed that in 2024 the Baketrans will carry out a policy analysis and feasibility study related to the operation of public water airports with a focus on proposals in the form of pilot projects in the southern region of Bali which will then act as hubs.

Based on a study conducted by the Baketrans of the Ministry of Transportation and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2024, the selection of the Bali Islands is based on the highest number of tourist visits, both domestic and foreign in Indonesia.

"Bali already has its own market share, currently the aviation industry in Bali is extraordinary, for helicopter rental transportation it has been very developed and there are many enthusiasts, so this seaplane can be an alternative," he said.

Robby added that the Baketrans has also mapped five locations that have been surveyed in all aspects, namely Lake G20, German Beach, Sanur Beach, Geger Beach and Mertasari Beach.

From the results of the study, the selected location is Mertasari Beach with the highest consideration of the feasibility value of operation, regional development, economy and finance, technical development, air transportation, environment and social.

Baketrans has also reviewed all regulations in order to support the operation of seaplanes, the preparation of standard operating procedures and NSPKs, as well as the minimum standards needed in building general water airports.

Head of the Moda Transportation and Integration Infrastructure Policy Center as well as the Head of the Seaplane Trial that flew the Cessna 172SP Amphibious Capt aircraft. Novyanto Widadi said the seaplane trial had been successfully carried out smoothly and safely at Mertasari Beach.

"Reflecting on the results of today and before which have also been carried out on Gili Iyang Island, we can see that there are no obstacles in the regulatory side for the implementation of this operation, both in terms of navigation and regionality," he said.

He revealed that apart from ships as an option, seaplanes or amphibious aircraft are the only alternative transportation that can collaborate with water and air.

According to him, the seaplane can be an alternative to water transportation for Indonesia, which is geographically an archipelagic country.

He explained that the airport of the waters as the main supporting facility for the operation of the seaplane is also considered to have several advantages, including being efficient and environmentally friendly, having a combination of speed and flexibility.

"Airports also reduce land dependence, as a liaison for remote areas and reduce the saturation of air traffic," explained Novyanto Widadi.

Currently in Indonesia, there are five Water Airports (special status), namely in Bawah Island, Banyuwangi Pangpang Bay, Kahayan River, Benette and Moyo Island.