5 Perpetrators Of Attacks On Vocational High School Students In Cianjur To Death Arrested, 7 Enter DPO

CIANJUR - Cianjur Resort Police, West Java, arrested five perpetrators of the attack on a vocational school student in Cianjur, Muhammad Rizki (16). The victim died from stab wounds to his back and hands on Friday, June 14.Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan said five perpetrators were arrested at their respective homes on Wednesday after the police investigated the case. Seven other perpetrators are on the wanted list (DPO) or fugitive."Five people who were arrested were students at a state vocational school in Cianjur. They were involved as perpetrators which caused the death of another student and one other person suffered serious injuries," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Thursday, June 20.Meanwhile, to arrest seven other perpetrators who have entered the DPO, the Cianjur Police have spread members to a number of points with the target that they can be immediately arrested to account for their actions.The police chief said that the case of the death of a private vocational school student in Cianjur began with uploads on social media so that students from two schools made an appointment to do a brawl at night. However, the victim with four of his friends lost the number."The two parties agreed to meet and fight in the Bunisari Village area, Warungkondang District, on Thursday, June 13 evening," he said.During the meeting, students from SMKN in the country, totaling 12 people, immediately attacked four private vocational students using various sharp weapons, until finally one person died and another person was seriously injured.Kasatreskrim Cianjur Police AKP Tono Listianto added that the perpetrators were charged with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 paragraph 3 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection."They face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 3 billion," he said.
Previously, the Cianjur Police were hunting for the perpetrator of the stabbing which caused a vocational school student in Cianjur with the initials MR (17) to die after receiving treatment at Bhayangkara Sartika Asih Hospital in Bandung, Friday (14/6).The victim's body had undergone an autopsy at the same hospital to determine the cause of death due to a sharp weapon stab in the right hand and left shoulder.