Getting To Know Kratom Leaves, Various Typical Herbal Plants That Can Be Investigated

YOGYAKARTA - Krotom leaves are herbal plants that have many health benefits. But in addition to their efficacy as medicinal plants, the leaves of the crotom are also referred to as natural opioids in the narcotics category. It is interesting to get to know the leaves of the circumatom further and its use.

Krotom leaves include plants in the class of rubiaceae plants and are classified as a family of coffee plants. This plant grows a lot in tropical countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Even these leaves are also dubbed the leaves of heaven from Kalimantan.

These leaves are often used by the community as herbal plants to deal with various health problems. These leaves are believed to help overcome pain, maintain skin health, relieve coughs, and increase libido. So what are krotom leaves and their health benefits?

Krotom leaves are a plant that is categorized as a native Southeast Asian coffee plant. By the community around this plant, the leaves of the crotom are often used as a natural medicine in overcoming a number of health problems.

Krotom leaves have long been used for traditional medicine because of their diverse properties. Krotom leaves contain several types of alkaloid compounds, ranging from partnersgynine, speciociliatine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, speciogynine, corynanthe idine, paynantheine, and physical partners.

With a large amount of good content in it, the krotom leaves have a number of health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of consuming krotom leaves for the health of the body:

Kratom has three different types, namely white veins, green veins, and red veins. These three types of krotom leaves effectively relieve chronic pain by attaching to opioid receptors. This benefit comes from the 7-hydroxy mitrine compound contained in the leaves.

Although circumstellars target opioid receptors such as codeins and morphine, experts rate them as atypical opioids because the leaves work by selectively disabling certain signals. As a result, side effects are lower than those with ordinary opioids.

In addition, krotom leaves can also play a role in stimulating energy. Krotom leaves can be used as herbal medicines, such as stimulant drugs. Please note, stimulant drugs function to increase energy and vigilance.

The krotom leaves also function as an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxation. In addition, these leaves are claimed to help stop symptoms of heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs.

Chrotom leaves have an effect of increasing mood and are often used in traditional medicine to help people addicted to opioids, relieve symptoms of withdrawal of morphine and ethanol.

Chrotom leaves can also function as an antidepressant because they can lower corticosteron levels that are high in relation to depression. However, further research is still needed to confirm this.

Despite having a number of good benefits, the crotom leaves also have side effects to watch out for. The CDC (United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported that in 2018 there were 28 cases of salmonella infection related to the use of krotom leaves in 20 states.

These cases occur in those who consume krotoms in the form of powders, teas, or pills. The content of the partnergynine in the leaves of the krotom can cause addiction if consumed in high doses.

Side effects include nausea, sweating, tremors, difficulty sleeping, tagus, hallucinations, and addiction. In addition, the use of krotoms can worsen the symptoms of mental disorders and be harmful to pregnant and lactating women.

Chrotom leaves can indeed cause Good effects. The content of the active substance, the partnergynine, can affect the brain and nervous system. The side effects of the circumstellar leaves can vary depending on the doses and types of leaves consumed.

At low doses, the crotom has a caffeine-like effect, which is to provide energy and increase mood. However, at high doses, the crotom causes a psychoactive effect similar to the opioid, which has the potential to cause dependence. Symptoms include feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and pain suppression.

Demikianlah review mengenal daun krotom sebagai salah satu tanaman herbal yang bisa lembar. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat daun krotom, Anda bisa mengolahkannya menjadi teh atau supplement. Namun mengingat adanya efek samping yang dapat imbul, krotom konsumsi daun seharusnya tidak dalam dosis yang besar. Baca juga cara menari tanaman herbal.

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